Fiona Hill, a former adviser to ex-US President Donald Trump, has alleged sexist name-calling by officials in the previous administration. Hill worked as a senior director for European and Russian affairs on the National Security Council in the Trump White House and was a key witness in the first impeachment trial of the former president.
“I discovered that I was known as the Russia bitch. This underscored that fact that most women were not paid attention to (sic),” Hill told CNN during an interview.
Hilll said Trump’s recent statement that he doesn’t know her at all underscored the former president’s misogynistic attitude. “(If you) are certain kind of woman that’s not in the immediate entourage, then you are pretty much nothing. You are a non-player in his world,” she added.
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In her recently released memoir “There is nothing for you here”, Hill said that Trump and his aides only cared about “the look, the image, not who you were and what you did.”
While testifying at the Trump impeachment hearings in November 2019, Hill warned warned Republicans against the “fictional narrative” that Ukraine, not Russia, meddled in the 2016 US elections.
She was among the two witnesses who testified before the house intelligence committee during the first leg of the impeachment inquiry against Trump.
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British-born Hill became a US citizen in 2002, and worked for Republican and Democratic administrations. She said her decision to work with Trump administration was due to her belief that relations with Russia needed to improve, even though she accused the country trying to intervene again in the 2020 US election.
Trump was acquitted by the Republican-led Senate after he impeached by the Democratic-led US House of Representatives over charges of abusing power by enlisting a foreign government to investigate a political rival ahead of the 2020 election and obstructed Congress in its investigation.