With tensions between Russia and the Ukraine rising consistently amid ongoing talks between Russia and the West, thousands of people in the frontlines are enduring harsh winter conditions and an uncertain future. While US-supplied defence equipment and ammunition are arriving by the planeload in Kiev in anticipation of a Russian invasion, Russia has repeatedly claimed that it has no intention to invade its neighbour. Instead, Moscow has repeatedly asked for security guarantees from the US and its NATO allies, and has refused to take any concessions in lieu of its demands. As it stands, the situation in Ukraine is nowhere close to resolution.

A Ukrainian serviceman patrols a street near the frontline with Russia-backed separatists in Verkhnotoretske village in Yasynuvata district, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, Jan. 22, 2022.
A woman walks with her dogs on the territory controlled by pro-Russian militants near frontline with Ukrainian government forces in Slavyanoserbsk, Luhansk region, eastern Ukraine, Jan. 25, 2022.
Ukrainian servicemen greet each other as they patrol a street in Verkhnotoretske village in Yasynuvata district, Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, Jan. 22, 2022.
Ukrainian servicemen walk to their position at the frontline with with Russia-backed separatists outside Verkhnotoretske village in Yasynuvata district of Donetsk region, eastern Ukraine, Dec. 27, 2021.
A serviceman walks along a trench on the territory controlled by pro-Russian militants near at frontline with Ukrainian government forces in Slavyanoserbsk, Luhansk region, eastern Ukraine, Jan. 25, 2022.