Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Loki is a series filled with complications, illusions, and some super intriguing twists. Filled with elaborate illusions, there are few things, places, and even people in Loki who are not exactly what they seem. Seemingly, there is a backstory linked to nearly all characters. One such complicated element of the series is the Time Variance Authority (TVA).

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Careful, spoilers ahead!

In the latest episode of Marvel’s Loki, episode 4, we were finally introduced to the omniscient ‘Time Keepers’. It is the Time Keepers, who have supposedly created the TVA and all its agents.

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Previously, we learned that the agents of the TVA were really variants but their memories were wiped off. However it seems that it wasn’t the Time Keepers who actually did it. Apparently, it looks like someone behind the scenes have been pulling strings. Someone had to have built the Time Keepers, but who? Well, we have some fan theories here to answer that.

Fan theories: Who created the TVA in Loki?

One of the most popular theories (fan made) out there asserts that Marvel supervillain Kang-the Conqueror is behind it all. Some even theorize that Kang may actually be a Time Keeper himself.

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It was noticed by many fans that since the beginning of the series, one of the Time Keeper statues resembles Kang. Moreover, his arrival into the MCU, announced earlier, has also sparked speculations about Kang being a part of Loki as well. Played by Jonathan Majors, he’s set to debut in the next Ant-Man installment.

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Another aspect of Kang’s relation with Loki is that in the comics, Kang was in love with Ravonna Renslayer, played by Gugu Mbatha-Raw in Loki. Interestingly, Ravonna was proven to be super shady in Episode 4. Ravonna is a character who benefits the most if the TVA stays as is. We have seen her prune her friends and her enemies equally to prioritise the sanctity of the ‘Time Keepers’ and the TVA at all costs. So from this, can we say that Ravonna is the person who actually created TVA? Also, is Ravonna in alliance with Kang?

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Well, all of that is yet to be answered. Till then, we leave you with these intriguing theories and think, who exactly is behind the TVA? Episode 5 of Loki will be releasing on July 7 at 12:30 pm IST on Disney+ and Disney+ Hotstar.

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