Meghan Markle, who time and again finds herself under keen scrutiny of British Media and Royal family, landed herself in another controversy. This time she is accused of ‘bullying’ royal staff. We are talking about a report published by The Times Newspaper on Wednesday which claims that the former Duchess of Sussex treating royal employees with “emotional cruelty and manipulation” during her stay at Britain’s Kensington Palace.
Also Read | Meghan Markle accuses Buckingham Palace of ‘perpetuating falsehood’
Responding to the serious allegations against Meghan, the Buchingam Palace launched an investigation into the matter. All the staff members involved in the controversy will be interviewed as a part of the probe.
Here’s a brief analysis of all the points of disputation between the former Amercian actor and Buckingham Palace.
Bullying allegations against Meghan Markle
As discussed, Meghan was accused of bullying Royal staff during her stay at Kensington Palace following which an official probe has been launched. The allegations date back to 2019.
Renunciation of Royal title
In January 2020, Meghan and her husband Prince Harry announced their plans to renounce their roles as Duke and Duchess of Sussex and stepped back from the royal duties. The Royal couple made the announcement on Instagram and said they would work to attain financial independence.
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