To celebrate the franchise’s 25th anniversary, the Pokémon Company has announced the release of a new, limited animated series. The adventures in this series will take place in many areas of the Pokémon universe.
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Pokémon Evolutions, an eight-episode web-exclusive series honoring the worldwide entertainment franchise’s quarter-century anniversary, will launch on September 9th, according to a press statement from the Pokémon Company. The trailer for the program may be found in the tweet below from @Pokémon.
Pokémon Evolutions is planned to take fans on a nostalgic journey through the many regions that have been experienced by fans over the years in Pokémon’s video game titles. The series will begin in the Galar area, which was most recently covered in Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield, before building up to its conclusion in Kanto, the home of so many aspiring trainers.
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The web series will take an episode-by-episode approach to each of the regions, but, as intuitive fans may have predicted from the preceding paragraph, it will do so in reverse chronological order from how they were explored in the games: Galar, Alola, Kalos, Unova, Sinnoh, Hoenn, Johto, and Kanto.
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Colin Palmer, The Pokemon Company’s Vice President of Marketing, discussed the idea of Pokémon Evolutions and why it was necessary to incorporate each of the new areas in the upcoming program. “Pokémon Evolutions is both an exciting new collection of animation for the brand and a thank-you to the millions of fans around the world who have joined us on this journey over the past 25 years,” says Palmer.
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While nothing is known about Pokémon Evolutions’ narrative, The Pokémon Company has stated that the show would examine “classic tales from Pokémon history” from a “new perspective in every episode.” The Pokémon Company has published various exhibitions on its website during 2021 to coincide with the celebrations, allowing fans to visit each of the areas that will be featured in the program.