Donald Trump’s former lawyer Rudy Giuliani on Tuesday denied that he was drunk on election night while the votes were being counted. The 78-year-old’s statement, a tweet, came days after Jason Miller and Bill Stepien, in a videotaped testimony played at the January 6 committee hearing, said that he appeared to be drunk while asking the then-president to declare victory. 

The former New York Mayor further added that he is outraged by the Miller and Stepien’s testimony. The tweet, full of typos, has been deleted. 

Also read: All that happened inside Trump’s White House on 2020 election night

“I am disgusted and outraged at the out right lie by Jason Miller and Bill Steppien. I was upset that they were not prepared for the massive cheating (as well as other lawyers around the President) I REFUSED all alcohol that evening. My favorite drink..Diet Pepsi,” Giuliani said in a now deleted tweet. 

In a second tweet, he added, “Is the false testimony from Miller and Steppien [sic] because I yelled at them? Are they being paid to lie?”

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The committee’s vice-chair Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, in her opening statements on Monday, said that Trump ‘rejected the advice of his campaign experts on election night, and instead followed the course recommended by an apparently inebriated Rudy Giuliani, to just claim that he won’. 

“I think the mayor was definitely intoxicated,” Miller had said.

Some of Giuliani’s allies slammed Miller, senior Adviser to the Trump 2020 re-election campaign, for his testimony. Former NYPD commissioner Bernard Kerik claimed that Rudy Giuliani ‘was not drinking at all’. 

Also Read | Key takeaways from the second Jan 6 hearing

“I don’t know why he [Miller] made this statement, Kerik said on Steve Bannon’s War Room podcast. The host added that Giuliani has too much respect for the White House and office of the presidency ever to be intoxicated like that. 

Stepien couldn’t physically be at the Monday hearing and was xcused at the last minute because his wife was in labor.