Spiritomb is a Ghost and Dark Pokemon and was originally found in the Sinnoh region. It was introduced in IV Generation. Spiritomb is weak against Fairy-type Pokemon and strong against Normal, Psychic, Fighting, and Poison-type Pokemon.

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Spiritomb is somewhat ghost-like in appearance. It was formed by 108 spirits. The main body of a Spiritomb appears like a purple, swirling vortex with green eyes and a black spiral for a pupil in its left eye. Around its face are green orbs that encircle it. Its “body” is connected to a stone base, with a small fissure in it supposing it was released when the seal was broken halfway but still bound to the stone. Spiritomb’s mouth is green like its eyes. The “face” of the Odd Keystone is not visible when Spiritomb is present. The shiny variant of Spiritomb has a blue vortex, and purple dots, eyes, and mouth.

Spiritomb has a max Combat Power (CP) of 2343. The best moves of Spiritomb are Feint Attack and Shadow Ball.

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Spiritomb quick stats:

Base stats

Max CP: 2343

Attack: 169

Defense: 199

HP: 137


Spiritomb is boosted by Fog weather. It is a strong Ghost and Dark Pokemon.


Spiritomb is vulnerable to Fairy-type moves.


Spiritomb best moves are Feint Attack and Shadow Ball