A big part of the show comprises of amazing friendships. The series did a great job of capturing the nostalgia of being young and going on adventures with your friends, even if those adventures were never this dangerous.

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The show sets an excellent example of building relationships out of unexpected places. Let’s take a look at some of the most charming friendships on Stranger Things.

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Eleven and Max:

Max (Sadie Sink) was introduced in season 2 of the series as the new girl in town who joins the group of friends. When Eleven (Millie Brown) was forced to go into hiding, we see she is quite hurt to see Mike hanging out with Max and isn’t very welcoming of her when they do meet.

Thankfully as time passes, the jealousy subplot was dropped in season 3. Eleven is back to being part of the gang and also becomes good friends with Max. They go shopping, eat ice cream, and have sleepovers, proving themselves an ideal pair.

Robin and Steve:

Robin and Steve work together at an ice cream shop in the mall. However, that job is made worse by his co-worker Robin, who seems to naturally despise Steve. When they both are forced together to save the day, it feels like the show is setting up a typical love story for them. Which in turn results in a great friendship between the two.

Dustin and Suzie:

As we all know Dustin has the worst luck in the love department so it’s a little suspicious when he comes back from camp claiming he has a girlfriend. The more he talks about Suzie the less believable it gets. But when Dustin manages to contact Suzie on the radio to help save the day, and also sing a quick song his friends become quite surprised by that fact. 

Joyce and Bob:

In season 2, we see a love angle between a goofy man named Bob and Joyce. They seemed like a unexpected pair with many fans expecting him to be the villain which turned out to be false. Bob was a real hero in the series and their short romance was sweet to watch. 

Eleven and Hopper:

We see a lot of emotions between the two throughout seasons 1 and 2. Their relationship has its difficult moments, but it is easy to see that they form a bond that is like family.

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