“Bollywood singer Neha Kakkar, who is a judge for reality singing show u2018Indian Idolu2019 fell on the stage while dancing with host Aditya Narayan in 2019. The throwback video, then shared by Sony TV is doing rounds on social media.u00a0. In a teaser from Indian Idol 12 (2019), Neha is seen asking Aditya Narayan for a dance. u201cChalo, Adi, aaj tumhara aur mera dance ho jaaye”, she says. The two dance to u2018Dilbaru2019. Aditya Narayan displays some funny dancing moves, leaving the other two judges – Vishal Dadlani and Anu Malik – in splits. However, while doing a step together, Aditya lost his grip, only to see Neha fall. Watch:. Then reports suggested that Neha and Aditya will tie the knot. However, it was later revealed that it was a publicity stunt to boost the TRP ratings of the show. Kakkar married singer Rohanpreet Singh in October last year. Recently, she released a single titled u2018Marjaneyau2019 featuring Rubina Dilaik and Abhinav Shukla. #NehaKakkar #AdityaNarayan #Indianidol12 #ViralVideou00a0. u00a0.”