Ukrainian officials on Saturday reported that Russia had forcibly evacuated Mariupol residents to Primorsky Krai in Russia’s Far East.
“Russia sent forcibly deported citizens of Ukraine from Mariupol to the Primorsky Krai – 8,000 kilometers from the homeland,” Lyudmyla Denisova, the Ukrainian Parliament’s Human Rights Commissioner, stated in a Telegram post.
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Volunteers told Denisova that on April 21, a train carrying 308 Ukrainians from Mariupol arrived in Nakhodka, including women with young children, individuals with disabilities, and students.
Denisova’s Telegram post also included photographs of Ukrainian citizens arriving at the railway station.
On April 21, Petro Andriushchenko, a mayor’s adviser, also reported that “the Russians brought 308 deported Mariupol residents to Vladivostok.”
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According to the Mariupol mayor‘s official telegram post, 90 of the 308 deported residents were youngsters.
“People were accommodated in schools and dormitories. Later it is planned to send them to different settlements of the Primorsky Krai,” according to the mayor’s Telegram tweet.
Photos and videos posted by, a Russian local news page in Vladivostok, also showed Mariupol evacuees arriving by train.
Denisova further alleged that Mariupol residents were bused to temporary housing in Wrangel and were expecting to obtain new passports allowing them to work in Russia.
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“The occupying country of Russia grossly violates the provisions of Article 49 of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, which prohibits the forced relocation or deportation of persons from the occupied territories,” Denisova elaborated in her Telegram message.
Earlier on Saturday, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky declared that if Russian soldiers kill Ukrainians in the besieged city of Mariupol, as well as if Russia stages “pseudo” referendums in occupied territory, Ukraine will suspend discussions with Russia.