On social media, a video allegedly depicting Kick streamer N3on being attacked by a group of bullies has gone viral. He allegedly experienced an episode of harassment and violence by a group of unidentified people in a public place.
Three individuals in masks can be seen in the video stealing his shoes, phone, and glasses against his will. N3on’s shirt also tore while this was going on.
Given that the video was shared via the streamer N3on’s Twitter account, @N3onOnYT, its reliability is still under question. Some publications also claim that there is also a chance that the streamer scripted the video or that the attackers themselves published the clip.
Watch the viral video below:
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While filming, one of the attackers stated, “Ay look who’s shoes we got? Got his a** lacking. Come on, bro. Caught his a** lacking. Ay, what size (of shoes) do y’all want? Look at his shirt, ripped all types of stuff, boy. You know not to come around here talking like that.”
The person who was filming the video indicated that he intended to keep the phone until one of the accused assailants grabbed the streamer’s hair and forced him to call himself a “bi*ch.”
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The video caused a frenzy on social media, with one social media user commenting, “it’s almost as if running your mouth constantly on the internet has its consequences”, while another said, “Deserved this is what happens when you think you’re invincible behind a screen.”
A third Twitterati commented, “This is so unbelievably fake or these 3 guys are the softest people on the planet. Can’t imagine needing 3 guys to punk a guy like neon.”