Vicky Flind, the wife of popular BBC presenter Huw Edwards, has named him as the person facing allegations over payments for sexually explicit photos. She claims that because of major mental health concerns, the Welsh BBC broadcaster is currently getting inpatient medical care.
Also Read: Huw Edward’s wife Vicky Flind names him BBC presenter at centre of ‘teen sex pics scandal’
When did Huw Edwards last appear on BBC?
The last time Huw Edwards appeared on television was on Wednesday, July 5. He presided over the BBC’s coverage of Scotland’s celebration of King Charles III and Queen Camilla’s coronation on this day.
Scotland’s Honours were given to the King during a national Thanksgiving service at St. Giles’ Cathedral in Edinburgh. Edwards reported on the events, which also featured a procession of people down the Royal Mile.
Many viewers noticed Edwards’ unexpected departure from the program after the 5th of July. On social media, several users questioned Huw’s whereabouts and the reason for the replacements, such as Fiona Bruce and Sophie Raworth. A lot of people went so far as to predict that the accused BBC presenter would be him, even before his wife’s statement was released today.
Also Read: Who is Vicky Flind, Huw Edwards’ wife?
In a statement released to the PA News Agency, Flind said, “In light of the recent reporting regarding the ‘BBC Presenter’ I am making this statement on behalf of my husband Huw Edwards, after what have been five extremely difficult days for our family. I am doing this primarily out of concern for his mental well-being and to protect our children.
“Huw is suffering from serious mental health issues. As is well documented, he has been treated for severe depression in recent years. The events of the last few days have greatly worsened matters, he has suffered another serious episode and is now receiving in-patient hospital care where he’ll stay for the foreseeable future. Once well enough to do so, he intends to respond to the stories that have been published,” she added.
She also asked the media to respect the privacy of her family and all those involved in the matter, adding, “I know that Huw is deeply sorry that so many colleagues have been impacted by the recent media speculation. We hope this statement will bring that to an end.”