#BoycottHeineken was trending on Twitter on the first anniversary of the Russia-Ukraine crisis. Social media users slammed the beer company for allegedly launching more than 61 new products in Russia over the past year.

Russia and President Vladimir Putin have faced global criticism for attacking Ukraine. Moscow invaded Kyiv on February 24, 2022.

Social media users claimed that beer giant Heineken has launched several products in Russia over the last year, instead of boycotting the Asian giant.

“Heineken launched no less than 61 new products on the #Russian market last year after promising to stop investing there because of the war in #Ukraine.@Heineken What say you?” a Twitter user wrote.

“For those who enjoy this piss beer, please reconsider as they are still selling in ruSSia without a hint of real care. Look out for all 6 or their brands and pass to drink something else that is not covered in filth,” another one added.

“Heineken is a year too late. Everyone should boycott Heineken and all it’s brands. Only reacting when their evil becomes public knowledge is not good enough. This type of moral bankruptcy should cost the company severely. #BoycottHeineken,” a third one said.

Brands like McDonald’s, PepsiCo and Shell ended their relationship with Russia under pressure from investors and consumers. Heineken shares on Wall Street were down −0.43 (0.83%) when this story was published.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba addressed the United Nations Security Council on Friday. He urged the world to adopt Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s 10-point peace plan.

“The goal of the standpoint plan is to restore the respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders, in full compliance with the UN Charter that we all have committed to respect and uphold,” Kuleba said.

“The goal of the plan is to get Russia out of Ukraine and make the world a safer place. Obviously, any new peace proposals should now be aligned with demands set forth by the resolution.”