Ramkrishna has shared his last two wishes in his suicide note written in Kannada, which says that he has been a huge fan of 'KGF' actor Yash and the politician Siddaramaiah, who wanted them at his funeral.
“Yash, the star of ‘KGF’ came to Twitter to express his disappointment over his fan’s demise. u00a0Yash’s tweet is translated as, “Fans love is our life. Our pride. But can we be proud of Mandya Ramakrishna love? This is shouldn’t an example for fans love. hope he rests in peace. Om Shanti.”. This is really disturbing to see such things, he was 25 years old. He hung himself in his house in Mandya district’s Kodidoddi village. Ramkrishna has shared his last two wishes in his suicide note written in Kannada, which says that he has been a huge fan of ‘KGF’ actor Yash and the politician Siddaramaiah, who wanted them at his funeral. Karnataka Opposition leader Siddaramaiah has visited Ramakrishna’s village and paid his last respects. Siddaramaiah, in his tweets, suggested suicide shouldn’t be an option for anyone.u00a0. #KGF #Yash #suicide #Bengaluru #Karnatakau00a0.”
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