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5 signs to know if someone could be having a brain stroke

  • A brain stroke occurs when the blood flow to the brain is disrupted
  • One may experience sudden numbness or paralysis in the face, arm or leg
  • During a stroke, one side of the mouth may drop when the person tries to smile

Written by:Devanshu
Published: November 30, 2021 03:06:35

A brain stroke occurs when the blood flow to the brain is reduced or cut off completely and brain cells start dying due to a lack of oxygen and nutrients. A stroke is a medical emergency and it’s crucial to provide immediate treatment. Quick action can reduce brain damage and other complications. 

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5 signs to know if someone could be having a brain stroke:

Difficulty in speaking and understanding speech- One may experience confusion, stammer, or have difficulty understanding speech.

Sudden paralysis or numbness of the face, arm or leg- One may experience sudden numbness or paralysis in the face, arm or leg. This often occurs on one side of the body. Try to raise both arms over the head at the same time. If one arm begins to fall, the person may be having a stroke. Also, one side of the mouth may drop when the person tries to smile.

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Trouble seeing through one or both eyes- Sudden blurred or blackened vision in one or both eyes or seeing double can be a sign of stroke.

Headache- A sudden, severe headache with no known cause, accompanied by vomiting, dizziness or partial consciousness may indicate a stroke.

Sudden trouble walking- If a person suddenly experiences loss of balance, dizziness or a loss of coordination it may indicate a stroke.

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Acting fast is the key as it can help stroke patients receive immediate medical treatment they desperately need. The best treatments work only if the stroke is recognized and diagnosed within three hours of the first symptoms. Stroke patients may not be eligible for these if they don’t arrive at the hospital in time.

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If you think someone may be having a stroke, act F.A.S.T. and do the following simple test:

F-Face Dropping:  Ask the person to smile, if one side of the face drops the person is suffering a stroke.

A-Arms Weakness: If objects fall from the hand. In most cases, the patient falls off the chair towards the side that is affected because the muscles of the trunk are also paralyzed and can’t hold the body weight.

S-Speech: Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. If the speech is slurred or strange and the person looks blank or confused it can be a stroke.

T-Time is brain: If you see any of these signs, run the patient to the hospital. In a stroke, time is key to reducing the damage to the brain. 

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