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Face mapping: What your face reveals about your health

  • Face mapping is It is a 3,000-year-old ayurvedic practice
  • Acne or lines on the forehead can be due to digestive issues
  • The temples and ears represent the kidneys and bladder

Written by:Devanshu
Published: December 07, 2021 12:04:40

Face mapping is an ancient Ayurvedic and Chinese practice that treats your face as a medium to detect underlying issues in your  body. It is a 3,000-year-old practice that helps to identify and treat several life-threatening ailments by reading the condition you face. 

How does face mapping work?

Your face’s skin quality is a reflection of your overall health. Whenever there is a bodily imbalance, the skin will reflect it via pimples, redness, or dryness. The location of these signs on the face represents the organ that’s affected.

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Any skin issue such as breakouts or lines on the forehead can be due to bladder or digestive issues as the forehead is linked to the digestive system. Unhealthy diet patterns, sleep deprivation and increased stress levels can also affect this area.

Temples and ears

The temples and ears represent the kidneys and bladder. Infection in the ears and temples indicates infection or inflammation in the kidney or bladder. Medicines which don’t suit your body can also have an effect here.

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The area between the eyebrows is linked with the liver. Stress, poor diet, oily foods, and excessive alcohol intake can affect this facial area.

Under the eyes

The area under the eyes relates to bodily fluids. Lack of sleep or dehydration can cause puffiness under the eyes, eye bags, or dark circles.

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The nose is linked with heart health. The left side of the nose represents the left side of the heart and the right signifies the right side. 

Redness or blackheads can be a sign of heart-related blockages and oiliness or breakouts indicate blood pressure or cholesterol problems.

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The cheeks relate to stomach issues, stress levels, spleen, and respiratory system. Red cheeks may be a sign of stomach inflammation. Acne breakouts can be due to allergies, stress and excessive sugar intake.


Hormonal imbalance or stomach-related issues can cause acne or dryness around the lips. Lips also reflect reproductive health and the ovulation cycle.

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Chin and jawline

The jawline and chin can reflect issues related to the kidney or hormonal and reproductive system. Dirty pillows or excessive oily foods can lead to redness, dryness, or acne in the jawline or chin area.

If you spot any of the above problems, consult a medical practitioner to get the required treatment. Most cases do not require medication and can be treated with few diet and lifestyle changes, but professional guidance is recommended.

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