Trouble sleeping? Yoga to the rescue again
- Light yoga can help you sleep
- Balasana, Sukhasana and Vajrasana are the key poses
- Each exercise needs to be done for 30 seconds, repeated 3 times
Yoga is your one stop solution for a good night’s sleep. Yoga
strengthens immunity and keeps diseases at bay, but it’s also a terrific way to
relieve stress, worry, or tension in the mind or body, and it helps restore
balance to have a good night’s sleep.
Each yoga stance should be held for around 30 seconds and repeated
three times. Grand Master Akshar recommended three yoga positions that are both
basic and suitable for beginners. They can be done by anyone and are best done
before going to bed.
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Balasana (Child’s Pose)
Sit on your heels on the floor or on a yoga mat, keeping your
knees together or wide apart. Exhale slowly and lean forward, allowing your
forehead to contact the floor or rest on a block or two stacked fists, while
keeping your arms beside your body and palms facing up.
Alternatively, you can reach out your arms towards the front of
the yoga mat and keep your palms facing down on the mat. If your knees are
together, softly press your chest on the thighs; if your knees are apart,
gently press your chest between the thighs.
Relax the shoulders, chin, and eyes, and find a comfortable
position for the forehead, since there is an energy point in the centre,
between the brows, that stimulates the vagus nerve and supports a “rest
and digest” response. Hold the pose for as long as you like, inhaling
while pulling your navel towards your spine and exhaling while softening your
body and arms. Slowly return to a sitting position on the heels, breathing and
uncurling the spine.
This workout is not recommended for pregnant women, those who have
diarrhoea, or a knee injury.
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Sukhasana (Easy Pose)
Sit with your legs extended out on a Yoga mat on the floor. Bend
one leg and insert it beneath the opposite thigh, then repeat with the other
Sit up straight, keeping your head, neck, and torso in a straight
line, and place your hands in chin Mudra or Jnana Mudra on your knees or
thighs. Turn your hands up to be receptive or down to be grounded, and slowly
inhale, feeling your spine lengthen as you exhale, root down through your seat.
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Vajrasana (Thunderbolt Pose/Diamond Pose)
Begin by kneeling on the floor with your pelvis resting on your
heels. Pull your knees and ankles together and point your feet in line with
your legs to keep your heels close to each other.
Adjust your pelvis gently backward and forward until you’re
comfortable by placing your palms on your knees or thighs. As you sit back on
your legs, exhale.
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Yoga, with its meditation and breathing poses that sharpen
concentration, brightens one’s mood, and relaxes the body to help you sleep
better, has a slew of health advantages ranging from reducing chronic stress
patterns to enhancing body awareness and promoting mental clarity and peace.
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