Do you know how to use the “disappearing messages” feature on WhatsApp?
“WhatsApp has launched a new feature in the starting of this month. It’s the u201cDisappearing messagesu201d feature. All the Android, iOS and Web users can access that feature now. This feature will disappear you new sent messages from the chat automatically after seven days. Let’s see how this feature works. Firstly open any of your chat on WhatsApp and click on that contact’s info. After that, when you will scroll down, you will see this feature. When you will open this feature, it will be disabled by default. So, to use this feature, you need to turn it on.u00a0. Here you go. Now you will get rid of all the unnecessary messages automatically after few days without manually deleting them.u00a0. #Whatsapp #Android #IOS #whatsappwebu00a0.”
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