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7 tips to deal with varicose veins this summer

  • When your veins become swollen, dilated, and overfilled with blood, varicose veins develop
  • Varicose veins most commonly develop in the lower legs
  • The illness is extremely frequent, particularly among women

Written by:Saisaranyya
Published: May 01, 2022 03:30:38 New Delhi, Delhi, India

When your veins become swollen, dilated, and overfilled with blood, varicose veins, also known as varicosities, develop. Varicose veins are swollen veins that are mostly red in appearance. 

The illness is extremely frequent, particularly among women. Varicose veins affect about a quarter of all individuals. Varicose veins most commonly develop in the lower legs.

With the hot summer sun beating down on us, health experts warn that if you have varicose veins, you must be particularly cautious and not take them lightly, or your pain may develop and you may suffer when the temperature rises.

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Dr Rajan Modi, Laparoscopy and Laser Surgeon at House of Doctors, said in an interview with HT Lifestyle. “Discoloration of the skin around the veins, itching in the area surrounding the veins, pain after sitting or standing for a long time, heaviness in the legs, and even swelling of the lower thighs are all indications of varicose veins. You’ll be surprised to learn that varicose veins can get worse in the summer.”

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During the summer, here are some tips for dealing with varicose veins:

1. Hydration is essential: Drink enough water to keep your leg’s blood flowing properly. Dehydration can induce tissue swelling and muscle cramps in the legs. Avoid alcohol, which might dehydrate you.

2. Stretch and exercise: If you don’t move at all, your pain will get worse. As a result, it is critical to engage in physical exercise after consulting with a physician.

3. Wear the right shoes: High heels tend to restrict calves’ movement, impede blood flow to the legs, and exacerbate swelling and vein problems. As a result, only wear shoes that are properly fitted.

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4. Wear Compression Socks: Consult a doctor before wearing compression stockings to avoid unpleasant cramping.

5. Leg elevation: You can achieve this by lying down in your bed and resting your legs on a couple of pillows. This will guarantee that the legs receive adequate blood flow.

6. Wear loose clothing in the summer: Tight clothing puts undue strain on your veins. As a result, dress in loose, breathable clothing.

7. Massage your legs: Avoid sitting with your legs crossed. Massage your legs as well to improve blood flow to the veins. You must not, however, pressurise the veins.

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