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3 years ago .New Delhi, Delhi, India

How to stay cheerful during the COVID-19 times

  • Social distancing is the key to keep coronavirus away but it can make us feel isolated
  • This is the time stress and anxiety can take over our lives
  • However, you can achieve resilience by making slight changes in your lifestyle habits

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Published: April 23, 2021 04:46:27 New Delhi, Delhi, India

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on our lives with many of us facing challenges that can be stressful, overwhelming, and cause strong emotions in adults and children. 

Social distancing is the key to keep Coronavirus away but it can make us feel isolated and lonely and can increase stress and anxiety so learning to cope with stress healthily will make you, the people you care about, and those around you become more resilient.

Mental health coach and healer Chandni Tugnait, who is also the MD (A.M) Psychotherapist at Life Alchemist and Founder & Director, Gateway of Healing, lists down some ways to be cheerful during COVID-19 times. 

Also read: Losing sleep regularly may be an early sign of dementia: Study 

*Practice left nostril breathing for a couple of minutes daily to keep stress and anxiety away. Simply take your right hand and, with your fingers outstretched, block off your right nostril by putting gentle pressure on it with your right thumb. Be sure to keep the rest of your fingers straight and pointing up towards the sky; the fingers act like antennas for the “cosmic” energy that surrounds us all.

Also read: 5 amazing health benefits of drinking coffee 

With a long, slow, deep breath, gently inhale through your left nostril. Then, just as gently, exhale long, slowly, and completely, again through the left nostril. Relax your body as you feel the relaxing, cooling breath bringing new life into your body. Relax even deeper with each exhale as you breathe out all tension, all stress, and all disease.

 * Journal your thoughts, feelings, fears, experiences, and ideas to process them in a better way. This is actually a great therapy tool that improves mental health as we do not let things pile up, give space, distance and shape to things while reflecting upon them. This helps in venting, accepting, and then finally healing.

Journaling is a great therapy tool that improves mental health. 

 * Maintain sleep hygiene by sticking to the same time for sleeping & waking up daily. Evaluate things that disrupt your sleep so they can be avoided. Block blue light 3-4 hours before you sleep; no TV, no cell phones or iPads!

Research has shown that maintaining a healthy sleeping routine has a positive impact on your mood for the rest of the day. 

 * Use aromatic diffusers to enhance the mood and clear the energy around. Aromatherapy stimulates the limbic system of the brain that controls emotions & memory.

The use of aromatic diffusers can help clear the energy around you 

 * Sip water from a transparent green bottle daily to keep the lungs & nasal passage healthy. Using color therapy with water is most effective as more than 75% of our body is made of water.

Guided meditation is a form of meditation that utilizes a number of different techniques to enhance the meditative state

* Body scanning or follow a guided meditation. This keeps the focus on the ‘present moment’ and hence greatly reduces stress and anxiety.

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