Amazon Quiz: Which country claims the Falkland Islands were stolen from it unjustly in 1833?
Amazon Quiz: (May 22) Which country claims the Falkland Islands were stolen from it unjustly in 1833?
Amazon Quiz: (May 22) Which country claims the Falkland Islands were stolen from it unjustly in 1833?
New Zealand
Answer: Argentina
The Falkland Islands are an archipelago located on the Patagonian Shelf in the South Atlantic Ocean. At a latitude of around 52°S, the main islands are about 300 miles east of South America’s southern Patagonian coast and about 752 miles north of the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula. East Falkland, West Falkland, and 776 smaller islands make up the 4,700-square-mile archipelago. The Falkland Islands enjoy internal self-government as a British overseas territory, while the United Kingdom is responsible for its defence and foreign affairs. Stanley in East Falkland is the capital and major settlement.
The discovery and subsequent colonisation of the Falkland Islands by Europeans have sparked debate. The islands have had French, British, Spanish, and Argentine settlements at various times. Britain reclaimed control of the islands in 1833, although Argentina retains its claim. Argentina’s military troops attacked the islands in April 1982. After the Falkland Islands War ended two months later, British administration was restored. Almost all Falkland Islanders chose to keep the archipelago as a British foreign colony. The sovereignty of the area is a point of contention between Argentina and the United Kingdom.
The population (3,398 people in 2016) is mostly made up of native-born Falkland Islanders, the bulk of whom are of British heritage. French, Gibraltarian, and Scandinavian are among the other ethnicities. Immigration from the United Kingdom, Saint Helena in the South Atlantic, and Chile have reversed a demographic drop. English is the major (and official) language. Falkland Islanders are British citizens under the British Nationality (Falkland Islands) Act 1983.
The islands are located on the border of the subantarctic oceanic and tundra temperature zones, with mountain ranges reaching 2,300 feet on both major islands. They support significant bird populations, albeit many no longer breed on the main islands due to invasive species predation. Fishing, tourism, and sheep farming are major economic activities, with a concentration on high-quality wool exports. Oil exploration, which the Falkland Islands Government has approved, is contentious due to maritime disputes with Argentina.
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