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Amazon Quiz: Ukpeagvik, which means a place to hunt this birds, is the Inupiat name of the northernmost…?

Amazon Quiz: Ukpeagvik, which means a place to hunt this birds, is the Inupiat name of the nothernmost city of the US. Which Alaskan city is this?

Written by:Shuvrajit
Published: February 20, 2022 06:34:22

Amazon Quiz: Ukpeagvik, which means a place to hunt this birds, is the Inupiat name of the nothernmost city of the US. Which Alaskan city is this?





Answer: Barrow 

Barrow is officially known as Ukpeagvik, and is the largest city of Alaska’s North Slope borough. This place is located above the Arctic Circle, and happens to be one of the northernmost communities of the world. 

For over 1500 years, this place has been home to indigenous Inuit people and is known for its polar climate. Despite the extreme locations, the weather is more or less moderated since the Arctic Ocean surrounds the area on three sides. 

Barrow observes July 4, Independence Day, in a unique manner with Eskimo games. Whaling is also a popular activity there, mostly taking place in the second week of October.

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