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India reports 3,06,064 fresh COVID cases, 439 deaths in last 24 hours

  • A decline of 27,469 was observed in the COVID figures in the last 24 hours
  • The active cases comprise 5.69% of the total infections
  • India Vice President also tested positive for COVID on Sunday

Written by:Aman
Published: January 24, 2022 04:00:40 New Delhi, Delhi, India

India reported 3,06,064 fresh cases of COVID-19 in the last 24 hours as concerns about the omicron variant of the coronavirus grow. The tally released on Monday had dropped more than 27,469 new cases in comparison to Sunday, according to India’s Health Ministry.

The data further showed that India registered 2,43,495 recoveries in the last 24 hours and tallied 439 additional deaths linked to COVID-19. The active caseload in India currently stands at 22,49,335 while the daily positivity rate was measured at 20.75%, the Health Ministry reported.

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The active cases comprise 5.69% of the total infections, while the national COVID-19 recovery rate decreased to 93.07%, the ministry said.

The Union Health Ministry announced on Monday that over 162.73 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been provided to various states and union territories so far. Nearly 14 crore doses of vaccine remain in surplus across India, news agency ANI reported.

An increase of 62,130 cases has been recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours. India’s COVID-19 tally had crossed the 20,00,000 mark on August 7, 2020, 30,00,000 on August 23, 40,00,000 on September 5 and 50,00,000 on September 16, according to reports from PTI.

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It went past 60,00,000 on September 28, 70,00,000 on October 11, crossed 80 lakh on October 29, 90,00,000 on November 20 and surpassed the one-crore mark on December 19. India crossed the grim milestone of two crore on May 4 and three crore on June 23.

India’s Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu also tested positive for COVID-19 on Sunday and will be self isolating in Hyderabad for at least 10 days, officials wrote in a social media post. He is not likely to attend the Republic Day celebrations on January 26 in New Delhi.

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