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Apple’s new iOS 16 update: 4 things to look out for

  • The iOS 16 update revamps the lockscreen 
  • The lockscreen will now be more customisable 
  • Apple is now tying all your passwords for websites, service and apps to Touch ID and Face ID

Written by:Rwit
Published: September 12, 2022 09:41:25

Apple releases a new version of the iOS, the operating system for the iPhone, like clockwork every year.

This time around was no different, Apple announced that iOS 16 and watchOS 9, the operating system for the Apple Watch would be coming in September. With the announcement of the iPhone 14 last week, it suffice to say that Apple fans are on the edge of their seat. After all, the world’s most valuable tech company usually brings some sort of innovation every single year.

This one is no different, from the changes to the lockscreen to revamped notifications, here’s what you need to know about the incoming iOS 16. 

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New lockscreen design

With the updated iOS, the lockscreen has been rebuilt from the ground up to offer more information. The date, time and information widgets take up the top half of the screen, while notifications are grouped per app from the bottom of the screen. 

They’re also giving users more customisability, allowing them to change the typeface and the colour of the time as well as add customisable wallpapers with a 3D effect. 

You can even have multiple lockscreens for different purposes. If you’re working, you can set a “focus filter” to hide apps that show you distracting content. Now you can have a different lockscreen for work and a different one for home.

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You can stop memorizing the different passwords you use for different websites, apps and services. Now, Apple will simply store your Touch ID or your Face ID and use that instead of a password. The best part about this is that it works with non-Apple products too! 

Passcodes are synchronized to your iCloud Keychain and if you lose or break your iPhone, don’t fret, they can be still be recovered. 

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Cutting out objects from images

Objects in the foreground of images, like animals, people, plants, products can now be cut out and shared freely in other apps or even emails or documents. 

This feature is on top of being able to identify other elements in the foreground object, like text. However, this feature is only available on the iPhone XS or newer. 

That’s not all. You can now dictate and type on the keyboard at the same time, even insert emojis by voice command. The translate app on iOS 16 will also help you use your camera to live translate text and find text in photographs that you’ve taken. 

Security updates

For those who enjoy having a more secure phone, the company has now officially stopped grouping security updates with iOS updates. That means that you’re likely to get those pesky bugs fixed faster since they won’t come with an iOS update. 

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