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4 years ago .


  • Cancel Culture has gained pace due to the increased polarity of the internet
  • Individuals like Cardi B, Donald Trump and JK Rowling have been in the crosshairs of the cancel culture
  • Film critics have suggested remaking projects which have now been deemed unacceptable by the youth

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Published: July 15, 2021 05:43:50

Cancel culture, which is also called call-out culture, includes singling out a prominent personality or a group out of their fields after they engage into an act that is not acceptable by their followers. The general consequence of cancel culture is the personality not being able to garner the attention they used to.

Also Read: What did Chrissy Teigen say about cancel culture?

British author JK Rowling, who is famed for creating the highly-appreciated fantasy series Harry Potter, was reportedly %u2018cancelled%u2019 for her views that were considered transphobic by her followers. Similarly, multiple other famous personalities have fallen victim to this Gen-Z culture, including former US President Donald Trump, who was criticised for allegedly inciting violence at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, singers and entertainers Nicki Minaj and Cardi B were %u2018cancelled%u2019 by fans for inappropriate comments on the LGBTQIA community.

However, the wave of cancel culture has not just impacted individuals but also movies, shows, songs and multiple other creative projects. Several critics and experts have voiced their opinion on this and have said that such pieces should be re-made and be tweaked according to the interests of the new-age audience. 

Ann Hornaday, a prominent American film critic, said that expectations of the younger audience have %u201Cfundamentally changed in terms of what they see as acceptable behavior, and this gets to their expectations as audiences%u201D, according to reports from The Wrap.

She added, %u201CThey look at this stuff, and they%u2019re wondering why we ever accepted it in the first place. It%u2019s our job to the degree that we%u2019re stewards of the culture and the patrimony to explain to them why this was valued and also to why it has problems.%u201D

#CancelCulture #Internet #Hollywood 

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