Amazon Quiz: Most scientists recognize two subspecies of this animal. What are they?
Amazon Quiz: Most scientists recognize two subspecies of this animal. What are they?
Atlantic and Arctic
Arctic and Antarctic
Pacific and Atlantic
Pacific and Indian
Answer: Pacific and Atlantic
The only species that still exists in the genus and family Odobenus is the walrus. The Atlantic walrus, which dwells in the Atlantic Ocean, and the Pacific walrus, which dwells in the Pacific Ocean, are the two subspecies that make up this species. In the Arctic Ocean and subarctic seas of the Northern Hemisphere, they are irregularly scattered around the North Pole.
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Walruses are pinnipeds that are only outsized by the two species of elephant seals among pinnipeds in terms of size. Adult males in the Pacific can weigh more than 2,000 kilograms (4,400 pounds) and have conspicuous tusks and whiskers. Walruses spend a large portion of their lives on the sea ice searching for benthic bivalve mollusks to feed. They spend much of their time living in shallow waters above continental shelves.
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