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Amazon Quiz: Name this animal

Written by:Deeksha
Published: May 25, 2022 06:26:29

Amazon Quiz: Name this animal





Answer: Pangolin

Pangolin, often confused with reptiles, is a mammal species of the order Pholidota which is covered in scales. The scales, that curl into a sharp ball, help in protecting the animal from predators in the wilderness. Their keratin scales are similar to the fingernails and toenails of humans. 

Known as “the scaly anteater”, Pangolins consume larvae, termites and ants through their tongues. This is because they do not possess any teeth. Pangolins are one of the most trafficked mammals in the Asian and African continents, with soaring demands in Vietnam and China. Their meat is devoured as a delicacy, whereas, their scales are often used in ancient medicinal practices. While laws attempt to protect all pangolin species, they are often traded illegally across the globe. 

According to the official website of the WWF, an estimated 116,990-233,980 pangolins were killed between 2011 and 2013. The figure is worrisome, since it only represents the tip of the iceberg. 

In order to protect pangolins, a treaty of over 180 governments in 2016 announced an agreement that would bring an end to all legal trade and protect the animals from extinction. Despite the treaty, illegal trade continues. Along with TRAFFIC, WWF aims to protect the species from falling victims to wildlife crimes. 

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In June 2020, China accelerated protection for the native Chinese Pangolin and stopped the use of the animal’s scales in traditional medicine.

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