Actor-dancer Sudha Chandran took to her Instagram to pen down an emotional note in remembrance of her father, veteran actor KD Chandran. He died on Sunday aged 84 due to cardiac arrest in a Mumbai hospital.
“Goodbye Appa..till we meet again…so proud to be Ur daughter….I promise you that I wil follow Ur principles Nd experience Nd Ur values til the last breath of my life …bt I must confess a part of me hs gone with you Appa …Ravi Nd Sudha LV u to eternity…. prayers to god that I shld b born as Ur daughter again . Om shanty,” she posted.
The senior actor was best known for films such as ‘Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke’ and ‘China Gate’. According to reports, he died due to advanced kidney problems leading to cardiac arrest
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“He had kidney problems. He passed away today morning due to advanced kidney issues that led to cardiac arrest,” a hospital source told PTI.