The popular reality show “Bigg Boss” is back with another season that will go on air from October 3 on Colors TV. Though there is no confirmation from the channel on the final list of contestants who will enter the house this year, they released a new promo in which the controversial religious figure Radhe Maa can be seen making her entry. ‘
Sharing the promo on Instagram, Colors TV wrote, “Barsegi kiski kripa iss shanivaar #BiggBoss ke ghar mein? #BB14 Grand Premiere, 3rd Oct, Saturday at 9 PM. Streaming partner @vootselect. #BiggBoss2020 @beingsalmankhan @plaympl @daburdantrakshak @tresemmeindia @lotus_herbals.”
However, there is no confirmation whether she is the part of the show as a contestant or as a special guest.
Bollywood star Salman Khan will once again take the role of the show’s host and he recently also stated that he is open to take a pay cut.
Some of the new inventions that the contestants will experience this season includes a spa, restaurant, movie theatre, and shopping mall inside.