Three men were on Monday arrested for allegedly duping Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s daughter, reported PTI, quoting police. Sajid (26), Kapil (18) and Manvinder Singh (25), were arrested from the Bharatpur-Mathura border with the help of technical surveillance. The main accused identified as Waris (25) is still absconding.

One of the four accused duped the chief minister’s daughter of Rs 34,000 after approaching her as a buyer on an e-commerce platform, where she had put up a sofa on sale.

An officer said, “The three worked on commission basis for Waris. Manvinder got multiple bank accounts opened for Kapil and Sajid using fake documents, for which he received a commission. The cheated amount was transferred to Waris’ account.”

According to police details, Kejriwal‘s daughter had put up a sofa for sale on an e-commerce platform following which,  a man who showed interest in making the purchase approached her. 

The man initially transferred a minimal amount of money into her account in order to check if the account details shared by her were correct. 

A senior police officer said that the man then sent a QR code to the seller and asked her to scan it so that the amount fixed under the deal could be transferred to her account but instead, Rs 20,000 got deducted from her account when she followed the instructions of the buyer.

Following her enquiry about the transaction, the man claimed that he had sent a wrong QR code by mistake and sent another link to her, asking her to follow the same procedure. But again an amount of Rs 14,000 got deducted from the seller’s account when she scanned the QR code.  According to police,  the gang has duped several others.