Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Sunday took a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi for ignoring the issue of JEE, NEET exams. Shortly after PM Modi finished speaking on his monthly radio programme Mann Ki Baat, Rahul Gandhi tweeted to say that aspirants wanted the prime minister to have a discussion over exams, but he preferred to talk about ‘toys’.

“JEE-NEET aspirants wanted the PM do ‘Pariksha Pe Charcha’ but the PM did ‘Khilone Pe Charcha’,” Rahul Gandhi said in his tweet.

During the 68th edition of Mann Ki Baat, PM Modi said India has the talent and capability to become the global toy manufacturing hub. “There has been a rich tradition of local toys in our country. There are many talented and skilled artisans who possess expertise in making good toys. India has the talent and the ability to become a toy hub by making toys for the entire world,” news agency ANI quoted PM Modi, as saying. He added that the global toy market is worth approx Rs 7 lakh crore, but India has a small share in it.

He also called on young entrepreneurs to develop computer games ‘in India and for India’. “I want to make an appeal to the young talents, make games in India, for India. Let the games begin,” PM Modi said.

Rahul and Sonia Gandhi have been the Opposition’s attack on the Centre over its decision to conduct the JEE, NEET exams despite appeals from certain sections of students and parents to postpone the engineering and medical entrance exams in view of the coronavirus pandemic in the country.

“NEET-JEE aspirants’ safety should not compromised due to the failures of the Govt…Govt must listen to all stakeholders and arrive at a consensus,” Rahul Gandhi had said in a tweet on Friday.

However, Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal ‘Nishank’ had earlier said that the decision to go ahead with the exams was taken after consultations with all stakeholders, including the students and parents.