Deputy Chief Minister and AIADMK coordinator of Tamil Nadu O Panneerselvam on Saturday said that the dravidian party “will continue its alliance with Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)” ahead of state elections in May 2021, as per ANI report.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah is currently on a two-day visit to Tamil Nadu and is poised to attend an event conducted by the state government on Saturday. During his visit, the Union Home Minister will also inaugurate and lay the foundation stone for projects worth over Rs 67,000 crore.
On his arrival at Tamil Nadu, the Union Home Minister was greeted by Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami, his deputy O Panneerselvam, senior cabinet members and BJP State President L Murugan.
During his visit the senior BJP also broke protocol to get out of his vehicle and walk on the busy GST Road outside the airport to greet supporters.