Veteran actor Dilip Kumar was admitted died at Hinduja Hospital Khar on Wednesday. He was admitted after complain of breathlessness. His wife, Saira Banu, who shares a timeless love story with Dilip Kumar, has been very vocal about his contribution to the industry and how time and again he has helped other actors. 

It was in 2016 when Shah Rukh Khan visited an ailing Dilip Kumar and spent time with him. Remembering this incident, Saira, in a 2017 interview, had said that they address Shah Rukh Khan as their ‘mooh bola beta’.

“I even saw him chanting a dua under his breath and blowing it on Saab’s face. He was there for Saab’s 89th birthday too and sat close to us, holding his hand and mine,” Mumbai Mirror quoted Banu as saying.

Not only SRK, but his daughter Suhana Khan, too, had visited Dilip Kumar. Saira Banu described her as a ‘tall and beautiful young girl’.

Saira Banu had also spoken about Aamir Khan and Salman Khan. She had said that, in case of an emergency, Aamir is just a call away.

“He goes out of his way to comply with such requests and is constantly in touch. So is family friend Salim Khan and his son Salman Khan. They often drop by on festivals and occasions like Saab’s birthday,” Saira was quoted.

Kumar, 98, was last seen in “Qila” in 1998.