KBC 14: Initially, the ancient Egyptians used a calendar with how many days?
KBC 14: Initially, the ancient Egyptians used a calendar with how many days?
Answer: 365
The Egyptians used a calendar that had 365 days.
The civil calendar used in ancient Egypt had 365 days in a year and was based on the sun. The year was made up of three seasons with a total of 120 days each, plus a five-day intercalary month that was considered to be outside the actual year. Each season consisted of four 30-day months. These twelve months were initially given numbers within each season, but they eventually started to be referred to by the names of their major holidays. Three 10-day segments, known as decans or decades, made up each month. The last two days of each decan are thought to have served as a sort of weekend for the royal craftsmen throughout the Nineteenth and Twentieth Dynasties, when they were exempt from work.
The Egyptian calendar lost one day every four years in comparison to the Gregorian calendar because this calendrical year was almost a quarter of a day shorter than the solar year. Because its months moved by around one day across the solar year every four years, it is frequently referred to as the wandering year (Latin: annus vagus). The Canopus Decree of Ptolemy III sought to fix this by adding a sixth epagomenal day every four years, but the Egyptian priests and people opposed the idea, and it was abandoned until Augustus instituted the Alexandrian or Coptic calendar.
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KBC 14: Initially, the ancient Egyptians used a calendar with how many days?
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