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  • Thor follows a “throw hammer ask questions later” policy
  • Loki apparently hates brute force and mostly prefers a less direct approach
  • Brute force was the tactic favored by both Thor and their father, Odin

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Published: July 06, 2021 03:04:59

On one hand we have Thor who follows a %u201Cthrow hammer ask questions later%u201D policy and on the other hand we have Loki who apparently hates brute force and mostly prefers a less direct approach. As for Thor %u2013 thunder was never known fro being subtle and for Loki %u2013 illusion spells make hiding in plain sight a simple task. However, these skillsets are a symptom of their differences rather than the cause.

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All throughout his appearances in the MCU, the God of Mischief Loki has shown himself as a person who avoids taking the lead in a fight wherever possible. Mostly, he either prefers to trick people into attacking illusions of himself %u2013 to get the drop on people from behind %u2013 or he the uses Mind Stone to have others do the fighting for him.

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In episode 4 of Loki, we have seen the God of Mischief suggesting Sylvie that %u201Cbrute force is no substitute for diplomacy and guile.%u201D However, Sylvie does not pay heed to it and tries to break open the door of the shack on Lamentis-1 and gets blown across the planet%u2019s surface.

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The reason behind this lies in the differences in their upbringing. Brute force was the tactic favored by both Thor and their father, Odin. Growing up, Thor was older, larger, and favored for the throne, so Loki had to develop skills to survive that relationship within Asgardian culture despite being physically weaker.

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Loki’s tactics also reflect on his closer connection to his mother, Frigga. Frigga taught him that magic focuses on beauty as he references frogs, flowers, and fireworks. While Frigga supported her husband%u2019s more aggressive stance during his reign, she clearly favored more cunning and quietly manipulative tactics herself. She taught Loki to work with more guile to avoid blows while still winning the contest.

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On the contrary, Sylvie, did not grow up with any of this family dynamic. She does not have Loki%u2019s aversion to brute force as she did not grow up alongside a Thor that she had to find other ways to beat. For Sylvie, her family is just %u201Cblips of a dream.%u201D

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This means that she also didn%u2019t have that connection to Frigga and never learned the potential for illusion magic to help develop a less aggressive strategy.

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