BJP leader Pramod Sawant will continue as the chief minister of Goa, Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister and BJP’s central observer for Goa, announced on Monday. The decision was made during a party meeting in Panaji on Monday evening, 11 days after BJP won the majority in the Assembly polls.
“Vishwajit Rane proposed the name of Pramod Sawant as the Leader of the Legislative Party. Everyone unanimously elected Sawant as the Leader. He will be the Leader of the Legislative Party for the next 5 years,” Narendra Singh Tomar told the reporters after Monday’s meeting.
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BJP had bagged 20 seats in the 40-member House. The party secured the support of two MLAs of the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party (MGP) and three Independent legislators, placing it comfortably in terms of numbers in the new Assembly.
Pramod Sawant and his party colleague Vishwajit Rane were being seen as top contenders for the post of chief minister in the state.
After being named CM, Pramod Sawant said, “I want to thank PM Narendra Modi and Union HM Amit Shah to have given me the opportunity to work as the CM of Goa for next 5 years. I am glad that the people of Goa have accepted me. I’ll do everything possible to work for development of the state.”
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Meanwhile, the swearing-in ceremony of the new BJP government in Goa will tentatively take place between March 23 and 25, senior party leaders said on Sunday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and senior BJP leaders are expected to be present for the event.