The BSE Sensex jumped 231.29 points or 0.40% to close at 57,593.49. Similarly, the broader NSE Nifty recovered 69 points or 0.40% to settle at 17,222 with 29 of its constituents ending in the green. Among sectoral indices, bank and oil & gas jumped 1% each and auto and metal indices gained half a percent each. Capital goods, IT and pharma stocks ended in the red.

Also Read | Closing Bell: Sensex jumps 231 points, Nifty closes at 17,222

Here are the key stocks that moved the most during today’s trading session:

Emami: Shares of the conglomerate surged around 3% intraday as it announced to acquire “Dermicool” from Reckitt for Rs 432 crore. However, the stock lost the early gains soon and closed 10.45 points or 2.33% at Rs 439.00.

Also Read | Emami shares hit 52-week low on acquiring Dermicool for Rs 432 crore

PVR, Inox Leisure: The PVR stock price jumped 3.53% to Rs 1,886.00 and Inox Leisure jumped 11.75% to close at Rs 524.90 after the two companies announced a merger to create a cinema giant with more than 1,500 screens

Also Read | PVR, INOX shares hit 52-weeks high after merger announcement

Coal India: The share of the coal major closed 2.71% at Rs 191.15 after Coal India said that it will meet the projected coal demand of the power sector on a priority basis.

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Bharti Airtel: The share price of the telecom major closed 3.40% higher at Rs 733.35 after the company said it would acquire 4.7% equity in Indus Towers from an affiliate of Vodafone Group Plc at Rs 187.88 per share with the transaction amounting Rs 2,388.06 crore. In addition, the company said it has prepaid Rs 8,815 crore from its deferred liabilities to the department of telecom related to spectrum acquired in 2015. The prepayment is for the instalments due in FY27 and FY28.

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GAIL India: The stock surged 2.95% to close at Rs 152.00 ahead of a meeting in which a share buyback plan is to be taken up. “The meeting of the board of directors of the company is scheduled on March 31 to consider and approve a buyback of the fully paid-up equity shares of the company,” the state-owned natural gas distribution firm said in its BSE filing on March 25.