Indore, a city in Madhya Pradesh, earned the title of the cleanest city in India for the fifth time in a row in the Swacchta Survekshan cleanliness survey. President Ram Nath Kovind presented the award in New Delhi on Saturday in presence of Union Housing and Urban Affairs Minister Hardeep Singh Puri.
“Indore is India’s cleanest city for the 5th year in a row. Heartiest congratulations to the people, political leadership, Municipal Corporation, Swachhagrahis & Safaimitras for their exemplary commitment towards keeping the city on top,” Hardeep Singh Puri tweeted.
Meanwhile, Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) gave credit to sanitation workers, saying that cleanliness was the biggest challenge during the coronavirus pandemic.
“During the Corona period, the sanitation workers kept the city clean working on sanitization, disposing of medical waste, setting up Covid care centres, covid testing and vaccination centre. The corporation employees properly disposed of medical waste. When the whole city sleeps, the corporation employees clean the city,” said Partibha Pal, commissioner municipal corporation, Indore, Hindustan Times reported.
The second and third positions in the ‘cleanest city’ category were secured by Surat and Vijayawada, respectively. Navi Mumbai was in the fourth position.
Varanasi, represented by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Lok Sabha, has been adjudged the “cleanest Ganga town” while Bihar’s Munger and Patna have been ranked second and third in the category.
These are the top 10 cleanest cities in the Swachh Survekshan 2021:
- Indore
- Surat
- Vijaywada
- Navi Mumbai
- Pune
- Raipur
- Bhopal
- Vadodara
- Visakhapatnam
- Ahmedabad
Meanwhile, Varanasi, represented by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Lok Sabha, earned the title of “cleanest Ganga town” while Bihar’s Munger and Patna have been ranked second and third in the category.