Actor Kangana Ranaut, embroiled in a war of words with Shiv Sena leaders, on Wednesday launched yet another attack saying, “today Babur has come again… Ram Mandir will be demolished again…But, remember Babur, this temple will be built again…’ This came minutes before the Sena-led municipal corporation reached with bulldozers to demolish ‘illegal alterations’ to the office of her production company Manikarnika films at Mumbai’s posh Pali Hill.
“…Manikarnika films is not just a building, it is like Ram Mandir for me. Today Babur has come, today history will repeat itself, Ram Mandir will be demolished again, But remember Babur, this temple will be rebuilt… Jai Shri Ram, Jai Shri Ram, Jai Shri Ram,” tweeted the star of films such as Queen, Manikarnika and Tanu weds Manu.
Kangana followed this tweet with another one,posting photos of the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) officials demolishing parts of the bugalow. This time she captioned it, “Pakistan…. #deathofdemocracy.” It was her likening of Mumbai with Pakistan Occupied Kashmir last week that triggered a Twitter war between her and Shiv Sena’s Sanjay Raut, the spat that quickly deteriorated into dares and name calling. She also attacked for her remark that she feared Mumbai Police more than the “movie mafia”, and would prefer security either from Himachal Pradesh or the Centre.
Following this showdown, the actor was provided Y + category security that entails protection by a personal security officer and 11 armed policemen, including commandos.
The 34-year-old actor, who is scheduled to reach Mumbai later in the day, has alleged that the Maharashtra government is targeting her because of her fight with the Shiv Sena. While alterations at her bunglow came under the scanner of the civic body, the Maharashtra government on Tuesday said the police will probe allegations that she took drugs