Bajre Da Sitta singer Neha Bhasin, who is currently being seen in Bigg Boss OTT as one of the contestants, was eliminated from the show on Wednesday after entering the final. Bhasin’s elimination is being called a surprise midnight eviction. The mid-week leaves the show with five finalists, Shamita Shetty, Nishant Bhat, Divya Agarwal, Pratik Sehajpal and Raqesh Bapat, who will now compete for the BB OTT trophy.
The names of the top four of the six contestants were announced in the same episode out of which, Neha and Raqesh were in the bottoms.
Finally, Neha was evicted at midnight eviction while Raqesh remained inside the home.
Before the final eviction, Neha thanked her connection Pratik while Raqesh Bapat thanked Shamita, who was his connection in the show initially, for taking care of them inside the Bigg Boss OTT house.
Raqesh also added that he would meet Shamita once the show concludes. Shamita Shetty and Raqesh Bapat’s equation in the show was often termed as a romance in making by the fans and some housemates.
Shamita Shetty is an actor and Shilpa Shetty’s sister.
Coming back to Neha Bhasin, who is known for her western-folk style of singing, entered the Bigg Boss OTT house with fellow singer Milind Gaba as a connection. However, after the second week, Neha broke her connection with Gaba and chose Pratik Sehajpal instead.
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Pratik Sahejpal, who is counted among the top contestants on the show, on the other hand, was initially connected to Bhojpuri star Akshara Singh but later broke his connection.
Meanwhile, ex-contestants Muskan Jattana and Akshara Singh, who shared a complicated relationship with Bhasin in the house, reacted to the latter’s eviction from the BB house.
Akshara Singh said in an Instagram video, “Saare shashtra apna ke bhi, bichari kuch nahi kar pai, bahar aa hi gai (Neha could not do anything despite using all possible tactics and is out now.)
Muskan Jattana, on the other, posted a picture of herself laughing and wrote alongside, “Could not be happier.”
The grand finale of the Bigg Boss OTT will be aired on Voot on Saturday, September 18, 2021.