Hollywood actor Anne Hathaway revealed in a recent interview with late-night talk show host Jimmy Fallon that she is not a huge fan of her given first name. Instead, she prefers to be called by the name her close friends and family generally call her “Annie”.
Delving deeper into the reasons, she describes how when she was 14 and shooting for a commercial, she was asked for a name for her SAG card. Thinking that the best thing to do here would be to give her actual name, which is “Anne Hathaway”, she says she did not realise that that was the name she would be called by for the rest of her life.
“The only person who calls me Anne is my mother, and she only does it when she’s really mad at me, like really mad. So every time I step out in public and someone calls my name, I think they’re going to yell at me,” she added.
The ‘Les Miserables’ star also noted that since people don’t want to be presumptuous, her fellow co-stars and crew members often called her by various nicknames such as ‘Miss H’ or ‘Hath’.
Best known for her roles in films such as ‘The Princess Diaries’ (2001), ‘The Devil Wears Prada’ (2006) and ‘Ocean’s 8’ (2018), the actor currently stars in the film ‘Locked Down’. It premiered the US on January 14 on streaming platform HBO Max.