Fast X, the tenth installment in the Fast & Furious franchise, is a highly anticipated action movie directed by Louis Leterrier and written by Justin Lin and Dan Mazeau. The film is set to release on May 19, 2023, and promises to be a thrilling addition to the beloved series.
Shooting Location
Fast X was filmed in several countries, including Portugal, the United Kingdom, and Italy. Portugal, in particular, provided several locations, including the north and central regions of the mainland and the Lisbon area. Viseu and Vila Real were just some of the cities that served as filming locations. Additionally, the Penoita area, in the municipality of Vouzela, was also confirmed to be one of the stretches of road that would be used. The film also features landmarks and locations in Italy, such as Via Italo Belardi, Gianicolo Hill, Ponte Umberto I, The Colosseum, and Via della Cordonata, as well as Aldeadávila Dam in Spain.
Release Date
Fast X is set to release on May 19, 2023, and fans are eagerly anticipating its arrival. The film’s production budget was initially reported to be $300 million in May 2022, which was later revised to $340 million in November of the same year. The cast was reportedly paid $100 million for their involvement, including $20 million for Vin Diesel. Other costs that contributed to the budget included production costs caused by global inflation and charges for pandemic testing requirements, mandated by COVID-19 safety protocols.
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Fast X features an all-star cast, with many returning members reprising their roles. The film stars Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Ludacris, Tyrese Gibson, Jordana Brewster, Nathalie Emmanuel, Sung Kang, Michael Rooker, Scott Eastwood, John Cena, Jason Statham, and Charlize Theron. Additionally, the film introduces new cast members, including Jason Momoa, Rita Moreno, Alan Ritchson, Helen Mirren, Brie Larson, and Portuguese actor Daniela Melchior.
Details about the plot of Fast X are still being kept under wraps. However, it is expected to be an action-packed finale to the Fast & Furious franchise. The film promises to continue the high-octane thrills and heart-stopping action that fans have come to love from the series.
The first part of the finale of the Fast & Furious franchise is directed by Louis Leterrier, known for his work on The Incredible Hulk. Leterrier took over the director’s chair from Justin Lin, who directed several previous installments of the franchise.
While there is currently no official trailer for Fast X, fans are eagerly awaiting its release. As the film’s release date approaches, more details about the movie are expected to be revealed.
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Fast X promises to be an exciting and action-packed finale to the beloved Fast & Furious franchise. With a talented cast, stunning locations, and a skilled director, the movie is sure to be a thrilling addition to the series. Fans are eagerly anticipating its release on May 19, 2023, and are eagerly awaiting more information about the movie as its premiere approaches.