Actor Kim Sharma took to her Instagram handle to share a picture of her and Tennis ace Leander Peas together. While Kim is facing the camera, he has eyes only for Kim. She shared the photo with a nazar amulet emoji and a couple kissing emoji.
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Kim Sharma and Leander Paes’s dating rumours began when they were spotted holidaying together. The duo vacationed in Goa a few weeks ago. Since then, they have made a number of appearances together.
It was just a month ago when Kim Sharma took to Instagram to pen an appreciation post for Paes. She had shared an old post of Leander’s winning moment at Atlanta Olympics and congratulated him on the 25th anniversary of his bronze win.
While neither Kim nor Leander Paes have spoken publicly about their relationship, Kim’s ex, actor Harshvardhan Rane had commented on the relationship recently.
Also Read: Harshvardhan Rane says ex Kim Sharma and Leander Paes are ‘hottest couple in town’
Kim and Harshavardhan were dating until 2019. When ETimes recently spoke to Rane about Kim’s new romance, he said, “I have no knowledge. It would be respectful if confirmed by them, but if true, that’s the hottest couple in town.”
Leander Paes was also in the news recently after filmmaker Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari shared that she and director filmmaker Nitesh Tiwari have completed filming their upcoming project, a docu-drama on tennis legends Mahesh Bhupathi and Leander Paes. Titled Break Point, the series will be a special behind-the-scenes narrative on their Wimbledon win in 1999.