Kannada actor Ragini Dwivedi was detained on Friday by Central Crime Branch (CCB) in Bengaluru in connection with a drug case, news agency ANI reported. The CCB, which is probing the drug menace in the Kannada film industry, carried out searches at the actor’s flat in Bengaluru and later detained her.
The CCB had asked the actor to appear before it on Thursday, however, she sent a team of lawyers seeking time till Monday, PTI reported. Dwivedi, whose family is from Rewari in Haryana, was born in Bengaluru. Her debut movie was ‘Veera Madakari’ which released in 2009.
Also Read: Sushant Singh Rajput death case: NCB detains Samuel Miranda in link with drug probe
The Bengaluru Police had earlier arrested a man named Ravi, who is said to have close acquaintances in the Kannada film industry, in connection with the drugs case.
The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) had earlier arrested three persons from Bengaluru who allegedly supplied drugs to people in the Kannada film industry.