Kartik Aaryan took to Instagram to announce his upcoming film ‘Captain India’ and shared the first poster. The 30-year-old actor wrote, “When a man goes beyond the call of duty. With great pride and honour, we bring to you Captain India.” The first-look poster features Kartik Aaryan clad in a Pilot’s uniform, standing against the backdrop of a burning city. It further described the movie with a tagline that says, “An ordinary man, an extraordinary mission.”
In a statement to PTI, Kartik Aaryan revealed that ‘Captain India’ is inspired by a real story from one of the chapters of Indian history. The actor said, “Captain India is inspiring and thrilling in equal measure and it gives me great pride and honour to be a part of such a historic chapter of our country. I have immense respect for Hansal sir’s body of work and this was the perfect opportunity to collaborate with him.”
Director Hansal Mehta added, “Captain India which is inspired by true events will revisit a moment in time where a man goes beyond his own pain and suffering to save thousands.”
Co-producer Ronnie Screwvala further talked about Kartik Aaryan’s new avatar in the action-drama and appreciated the work of Hansal Mehta, mentioning, “Captain India is not just a story of one of the biggest humanitarian operations ever but also about the indomitable human spirit, one that rises above failure despite the odds. Hansal Mehta is one of the finest filmmakers of our time and has always beautifully captured the true essence of humane stories. Kartik Aaryan’s fans are surely in for a treat as he steps into all-new territory with Captain India.”
“This move as a producer was a long time coming and I’m excited to collaborate with an equally passionate team in form of Ronnie Screwvala, Hansal Mehta and Kartik Aaryan. I am confident that this story will resonate with every Indian,” Harman Baweja added.
The release date of Captain India is still under wraps. However, the shoot will begin in early 2022.