Lil Tay, the young social media sensation known for her extravagant lifestyle and rapping, has dispelled rumors of her death after her Instagram account was hacked and used to spread false information.
In a statement released by her family to TMZ, Lil Tay, whose real name is Tay Tian, clarified that she and her brother are safe and alive, despite the distress caused by the misinformation.
The statement revealed that Lil Tay’s Instagram account was compromised by a third party who disseminated inaccurate details and rumors about her, even wrongly using the name “Claire Hope.” Tay expressed gratitude to Meta, the parent company of Instagram, for helping recover her account and removing the false death announcement.
Also Read: Is Lil Tay alive? Child rapper’s father fail to confirm death, rumors of Instagram statement being hoax go rife
However, questions remain about the delay in clarifying her status, as Tay acknowledged being aware of the hack and receiving calls about her supposed death during the 24-hour period. TMZ’s initial investigation had raised concerns, as police and family members were contacted about her alleged passing.
Lil Tay first gained fame as the “World’s Youngest Flexer,” showcasing a lavish lifestyle on social media platforms. Although her Instagram following reached 3.2 million, she ceased posting in 2018. Notably, Tay’s personal life has been marked by a custody battle between her parents, Angela Tian and Christopher Hope.
This incident highlights the challenges of maintaining online presence and credibility in an age of quick misinformation spread. The ordeal underscores the importance of cybersecurity and vigilance for social media influencers and celebrities.