Matthew Perry, famous for his role as Chandler Bing in the iconic TV series “Friends,” has sadly passed away at the age of 54. On Saturday, October 28, the actor was discovered at his Los Angeles residence, where it appears he tragically drowned, as conveyed by law enforcement sources to TMZ. Emergency personnel swiftly responded to a call around 4 p.m. Perry was found unresponsive in a jacuzzi on the property.
Also Read: Matthew Perry aka Chandler Bing from FRIENDS dies at 54, drowning suspected
Matthew Perry’s untimely demise sent shockwaves through the entertainment community, particularly among devoted fans of “Friends.” Perry’s portrayal of Chandler Bing, known for his wit and humor, left an indelible mark on the hearts of viewers. The beloved sitcom had a lasting impact, and Chandler Bing’s character, along with his iconic one-liners, continues to be celebrated and cherished by fans worldwide.
Also Read: Who is Molly Hurwitz, ex-fiancé of Matthew Perry?
The news of Matthew Perry’s passing led to an outpouring of grief and tributes on social media from devoted fans and colleagues in the entertainment industry. The actor’s contributions to television and his memorable performance in “Friends” will be remembered with great fondness, and he leaves behind a legacy that has touched the lives of countless people around the world.