Actor Priyanka Chopra on Monday shared glimpses of her New Year celebration with husband and singer Nick Jonas. Taking to Instagram, ‘The Matrix Resurrections’ actor posted photos that gave a hint that they celebrated New Year on a yacht with friend and businesswoman Natasha Poonawalla.
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Although Priyanka did not reveal the details of the destination, she did write “Heaven :)” as the location for her pictures.
“So grateful for family and friends. Here’s to celebrating life. #2022 #happynewyear. Adore u @natasha.poonawalla (sic),” she wrote while her husband reacted to this post with a heart emoticon.
Nick Jonas had earlier shared a photo from the same celebration where Priyanka could be seen planting a kiss on him. “My forever New Years kiss,” he wrote.
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Priyanka Chopra played plays the adult version of the exiled program Sati in the latest release of ‘The Matrix’ franchise. Last week, she defended her short role in the movie. The character originally featured as a kid in ‘The Matrix Revolutions’, in 2003.
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In a recent interview to Asian Sunday TV, Priyanka said that thinking of characters only in terms of lead roles is ‘myopic’. “I think you are coming from something which a lot of people from the South Asian community ask me. ‘Oh, it’s a small role, it’s not a leading role. Why did you do it?’ (laughs) Because it’s The Matrix and I play an extremely pivotal part,” she said.
“Even when I picked my movies in Bollywood, I have always picked roles according to characters and they are not necessarily always the lead. The lead is Carrie-Anne Moss, who played Trinity in the last three movies. You’re not competing with that and I think it’s such a myopic and very small mentality to think that way,” Chopra added.