Bollywood actor Priyanka Chopra’s film “The White Tiger”, which realeased on January 22, earned huge appreciations from both the audience and film critics. Chopra, who appeared who appeared on Stephen Colbert show, spoke at length about her latest film, US Vice President Kamala Harris and husband Nick Jonas.
During the interview Chopra said that she was lucky to have spent six months with husband Jonas.
When Colbert asked her about “lockdown marriage” she says “It’s good. We still like each other. Also, I think with our individual careers, I don’t think we would have spent six months with each other ever. So, that was really a blessing, and I am happy to be able to have that time with each other.”
The 38-year-old actor, in an Instagram story, thanked Jonas for the wonderful gift. The story was captioned as “Best husband ever! I love you @nickjonas and the wine! I mean”.
Also read: Priyanka Chopra Jonas adds Bernie Sanders to her family, see her hilarious photos
Directed by Ramin Bahrani, the
film is an adaptation of 2008 Man Booker award winning book of the same name by Aravind Adiga. The story revolves around the thrilling journey of an ambitious Indian driver who cunningly
tries to escape from poverty and reach heights.
Priyanka and Nick got married on
December 1, 2018 just after few months of dating each other.