Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut and Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut have found themselves in a war of words over the last few days. In a fresh video posted on Sunday, the ‘Queen’ actor has taken a dig at the Rajya Sabha MP for verbally abusing her of a television channel.
Sharing the video on Twitter, Kangana said that Raut’s comments on her reflect his mindset. She blamed this mindset for encouraging people who abuse women in the country. “If I criticise Mumbai Police or if I criticise you, then you can’t say I am insulting Maharashtra. You aren’t Maharashtra. Your people are threatening me, still I’ll come to Mumbai on September 9,” she further said in the video.
“Sanjay ji, I have full freedom of expression I have the freedom to go anywhere in my country. I am free,” she captioned it.
Earlier in the day, the Shiv Sena leader had asked Kangana to apologise for her comments on Mumbai. The 33-year-old actor had compared the city to Pakistan occupied Kashmir.
Read: Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut asks Kangana Ranaut to apologise over her comments on Mumbai
“Anybody who lives and works here and speaks ill of Mumbai, Maharashtra and Marathi people, I would say apologise first,” news agency PTI reported quoting Raut.
Kangana had tweeted, “Sanjay Raut Shiv Sena leader has given me an open threat and asked me not to come back to Mumbai, after Aazadi graffitis in Mumbai streets and now open threats, why Mumbai is feeling like Pakistan occupied Kashmir?”
The Rajya Sabha member on Friday urged the Maharashtra government to take against people defaming the city police.
He had also asked Ranaut to tour the PoK first, to see the situation prevailing there.